- Block Id – 64 Bytes Per Block
- PutBlob – 64 MB Total
- Blob MetaData – 8 KB Per Blob
- Container MetaData – 8 KB Per Container
- PutBlock / PutBlockList 50 GB Each
- If you use Blocks then upto 4 MB of Each Block
Container Name
- Valid DNS Name
- All Lowercase
- 3 to 63 Characters
- Starts With Letter or Number
- Letters, Numbers, and Dash (-)
- Every Dash (-) Must Be Immediately Preceded and Followed by a Letter or Number
Blob Name
- 1,024 Characters Max
- Any combination of characters, but reserved URL characters must be properly escaped
- Specify a delimiter within a blob name to create a virtual hierarchy though blob storage is flat and not a hierarchical
Table Name
- Only Alphanumeric Characters
- Case-Insensitive
- 3 to 63 Characters
- May Not Begin With a Numeric Character
- Up to 255 Entity Properties (including PartitionKey, RowKey, and Timestamp)
- 1 MB Max for Combined Size of All Data in an Entity’s Properties
Property Name
- Case-Sensitive
- 255 Characters Max
- Only Alphanumeric Characters and ‘_’
- Can’t begin With a Number
- ’/,\,#,?’ characters are not allowed in values for the PartitionKey and RowKey properties.
- Only a total of 256 characters can be specified for the partition key and row key together on the URL.
- With version 2009-04-14, the Table service no longer supports including the dash (-) character in property names.
- 8 KB Max(It converts Messages in base 64 then stores that message in cloud.)
- Messages pushed to end of queue and popped from front of queue (FIFO)
- Unlimited number of messages
Queue Name
- Valid DNS name
- All Lowercase
- 3 to 63 Characters –
- Start With a Letter or Number
- Letters, Numbers, and Dash (-)
- First and Last Letters Must be Alphanumeric
- Dash (-) character may not be the first or last letter
All Storage Timeouts
Following are the maximum timeouts allowed for Windows Azure Storage operations
- GetBlob – A get bob request is allowed to take up to 2 minutes per MByte transferred, before the server side times out.
- PutBlob – A put bob request is allowed to take up to 10 minutes per MByte transferred, before the server side times out.
- PutBlockList and GetBlockList – These have a max timeout of 60 seconds.
- Table Query and All List Operations – Current max timeout is 60 seconds. In the future this will be changed to 30 seconds.
- All other commands in Blobs, Tables and Queues have a max timeout of 30 seconds.
[Upadate-August-2009] The max timeout is now 30 seconds for listing Blobs, Blob Containers and Queues and for performing Table Queries.
Maximum Items Per Request
- Can return upto 1000 Tables per request.
- Can return upto 1000 Entites of a Tanle per request.
- Can return upto 5000 Queues per request.
- Can return upto 5000 Containers per request.
- Can return upto 5000 Blobs per request.