Gather insights into messaging issues, resubmit messages from one queue to another, strengthen your Azure Service Bus management and much more – in a seamless way.
Free TrialThousands of Microsoft Azure Developers, IT Pros, and Azure MVP’s use Cerebrata to manage their Azure Cloud infrastructure.
Experience the superpower of managing your Service Bus based operations on macOS, Linux or Windows.
Connect your Service Bus using Azure Active Directory or via connection string and consume data in real time.
Secure actionable insights about your active, dead lettered, scheduled, and transferred messages.
Limit not just re-submitting your messages to the same queue but to any queues/topics in same namespace.
Regenerating shared access key. Managing locks and tags on Service Bus Namespace. Made simple.
With Cerebrata, purge all messages from a queue or topic subscription in a single click.
Get access to an assortment of features to help perform both basic CRUD & advanced operations like purge all messages and monitoring all-in-one place.
Managing your Topics would have never been this easier. Secure the ability to create true/false/custom SQL/correlation filters on a subscription. And it does not end there!
The conditions you create can be saved and selected according to your operational model.
Also, purge all messages available in a queue based on message enqueued time or message count. With Cerebrata, even take a step ahead and delete all messages without having to destroy the container.
With Cerebrata, you can filter namespaces by name (or) resource group (or) location, and even manage shared access keys. So basically, the functionalities are limitless.