Recently we have been involved with the development of some PowerShell cmdlets for managing Windows Azure. During the course of development we found the lack of decent cmdlet help file viewers. We can always see help by executing “Get-Help” cmdlet but coming from a UI background, we desparately needed a UI based help viewing tool for the cmdlets that we were building. Since we could not find such utility, we decided to build one of our own.
I’m pleased to announce that today we’re releasing that utility on CodePlex so that other members of the community can take advantage of this utility to view help file contents. The URL for the project is
You’ll need .Net 4.0 installed on the computer to run this utility. This utility would not have been possible without excellent WPF docking user control: Avalon Dock ( Through this blog entry, I again want to reach out to adospace and thank him again for building such an excellent user control.
Do try it out and let us know what you feel about it. If you wish to contribute to the project, please let us know as well. I sincerly hope that you’ll find it useful.
Gaurav Mantri