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The developer tool to boost your Microsoft Azure productivity

Steef-Jan Wiggers

Jun 29, 2022

More businesses are turning to the cloud as a foundation for accelerating their business environment, thus focusing more on managing cloud resources effectively.

This introduces the need for an operations/support team in the backend to manage different cloud components that are running the business. In terms of Microsoft, this brings the spotlight to Azure components like Azure Service Bus, Storage, and Cosmos DB. These components form the foundation for simplifying message flow, building scalable solutions, and integrations.

Naturally, when these core services come into the picture, users tend to use open-source tools like Azure Service Bus explorers and more. However, using these solutions has its challenges – for example, with Cosmos DB, users can specify the default time to live their documents.

In this whitepaper, Steef-Jan Wiggers (Microsoft Azure MVP) shares his insights on a solution that combines and serves the capability of Azure Service Bus, Storage, and Cosmos explorers – in a single tool. As a result, Azure users no longer have to open up several tools and leverage the Azure portal to manage the resources – making them more productive.

What’s in store for you?

This whitepaper will give you a detailed understanding of the following:

  • Why a single tool for managing multiple Azure services?
  • Implementations required to be productive developers or operations professionals for Azure
  • Easy production troubleshoots for solutions leveraging Service Bus and Cosmos DB

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